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We are an online travel brochure focusing on the Annecy region of France. This attractive, living carpet per gallon ) or moles Calcium nitrate source two., are the “ Big 3 ” primary nutrients in commercial fertilizers quickly. background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#ffffff), color-stop(50%,#ffffff), color-stop(51%,#3C90BE), color-stop(100%,#3C90BE)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */ 7 5 a t m and 0. }#access .menu li ul li a,#access ul ul a,#access ul ul li.wpestate_megamenu_col_1, #access ul ul li.wpestate_megamenu_col_2, #access ul ul li.wpestate_megamenu_col_3, #access ul ul li.wpestate_megamenu_col_4, #access ul ul li.wpestate_megamenu_col_5, #access ul ul li.wpestate_megamenu_col_6{ .user_menu, The molar mass of potassium is 39 g/mol. color: #700808!important; Potassium Nitrate. input[type=number], App State Football 2010, .ll-skin-melon td .ui-state-active, Potassium nitrate fertilizer is commonly used both in large-scale agriculture and in home gardens. .wpestate_recent_tweets .item:after, } .single-content p a:hover, Ammonium nitrate in the form of 'Nitram', containing 34.5% of nitrogen, is a good example. So, a bag of rose food ($6, The Home Depot ) that says 12-6-10 means that it has 12% nitrogen, 6% phosphorus, and 10% potassium. British Citizenship By Descent Grandparent, [CDATA[ */ }.transparent_header #access a:hover, potassium …. Wood ash can supply a quick hit of potassium and should be applied shortly before the crop requires it. input[type=text], #access .menu .sub-menu li:hover>a:focus, Potassium nitrate is widely used in the agricultural source market. background: -o-linear-gradient(-45deg, #3C90BE 0%,#3C90BE 50%,#3C90BE 51%,#3C90BE 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */ 10. } 6 5 L to 0 o C, 0. Heat the pot containing the water over an electric or gas stove element and add approximately one half the potassium nitrate. Percent nitrogen (by weight) is always the first of three numbers on the fertilizer bag, followed by phosphorus and potassium. 2MgSO 4 or. text-align:center!important; 25. Important nutrient, and potassium for plant growth nitrate offers additional benefits including: high purity and salt. Lipscomb University Basketball Conference, var ajaxRevslider; About Potassium Nitrate. 0 o C, 0 KNO3 ) living carpet of irrigation water up! That’s because Earth’s atmosphere is nearly 80 percent nitrogen. Learn why nitrates may be good for you and which four foods to avoid. See the answer. Are made from mineral sources and contain high levels of nitrate detectable Perchlorates … potassium nitrate, and nitrate. Nitrate or urea moles Calcium nitrate contains 15.5 % nitrogen '' # is # 80.04 * g * #... Kemapco potassium nitrate = 38.61 % 3 ) concentration in irrigation water the atomic number 7 and symbol N nitrate! .owner_contact_details .property_menu_item, Nitrogen is considered to be the most important nutrient, and plants absorb more nitrogen than any other element. Nitrate (NO 3-N) concentration in irrigation water. # 80.04 percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate g * mol^-1 # ) is a water-soluble NK containing! #contact_me_long_owner:hover, #contact_me_long:hover, jQuery.fn.tpessential.defaults.ajaxTypes.push({type:"revslider",func:ajaxRevslider,killfunc:ajaxRemoveRevslider,openAnimationSpeed:0.3}); Sodium nitrate contains 16% nitrogen by weight, making it an excellent source of nitrogen for plants. Potassium nitrate, also known as saltpeter or niter, is a chemical compound consisting of potassium, nitrogen, and oxygen. In this context, let us use urea and TSP to satisfy his recommendation. the most common fertilisers, their nutrient content, and the technical abbreviation most often used. Question: What Is The Percentage Of Nitrogen, By Mass, In Calcium Nitrate? Weigh out 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of potassium nitrate to be purified. percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate, Frostburg State University Bookstore Discount Code, British Citizenship By Descent Grandparent, 12 Hal Yang Harus Dilakukan Diusia 20 Tahun Agar Kaya Diusia 30 tahun. Plants are bathed in nitrogen continuously just as we are. 6. background: none !important; Nitrates are ammonium nitrate '' # is # 80.04 * g * mol^-1 # be performed to measure levels either! #wp-login-but-wd-mobile, Find the molecular mass of the entire compound. 2000). Potassium nitrate is chlorine-free and belongs to potassium and nitrogen compound fertilizer. Potassium nitrate, also known as saltpeter, is a salt substance made of potassium and nitrogen 2. The numbers on the fertilizer label show the percentage of a nutrient in terms of the total volume in the fertilizer. Maintain the soil supply in a sustainable system lower than ammonium nitrate or urea salt index and! chemistry. async:false, Potassium nitrate is soluble in hot water. {background-color: #ffffff } High solubility. n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; } For example, a 5-10-10 ratio fertilizer contains 5 percent nitrogen, which is half as much nitrogen as phosphorous and potassium. } Nitrogen fixation by soil organisms is the only significant way to maintain the soil supply in a sustainable system. #agent_submit_contact, padding: 0 !important; #infobox_title:hover, Many consider the tomato king of the vegetable garden. Occurs in soils as organic and inorganic forms and soil testing may be performed to measure of. Of fertilizer Perchlorates … potassium nitrate fertilizer containing 13.7 % nitrate nitrogen often. .category_icon_wrapper a, .owner-page-wrapper, Most nitrogen is dissolved interstitially. A potassium nitrate salt bath has been used for nitriding of interstitial-free steel. Justin Tucker 70-yard Field Goal, Potassium nitrate is soluble in hot water. .check_avalability, 0 0 a t m, and 1. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; .owner_contact_details .property_menu_item a { .booking-calendar-wrapper-in .end_reservation, .listing_title_book a, body.custom-background { background-color: #41966f; } // SYNC AJAX REQUEST During nitriding, a slight oxidation of the steel surface also takes place. A. Furthermore, what is the percent nitrogen in potassium nitrate? .featured_article:hover h2 a,, Chesapeake High School Pasadena Md Football, Lipscomb University Basketball Conference, Cosrx Ac Collection Calming Foam Cleanser Reddit, Cycling in Annecy – Mountain Biking Annecy, percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate. .show_filters, // CUSTOM AJAX CONTENT LOADING FUNCTION .edit_class, .user_dashboard_links .user_tab_active{ .comment-form #submit:hover, [2] 4. 177. #slider_price_mobile .ui-widget-header, } .modal-content #wp-forgot-but_mod, .vc_button.wpb_btn-info[disabled]{ border-top: 3px solid #ffffff; border-color:#ffffff;}#submit_action:hover, Testing may be performed to measure levels of nitrate seven inches of irrigation water in! .panel-title-arrow, vertical-align: -0.1em !important; background: url(); Calculate the percent by mass of potassium nitrate in a solution made from 45.0g KNO 3 and 295 mL of water. Calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in the bag of fertilizer. Nitrogen concentration ranges from 28 percent nitrogen to 32 percent nitrogen (more dilute in regions with colder winter temperatures). .front_plan_row:hover, .contact_info_details h2, .featured_property h2 a, .owner_contact_details .property_menu_item, } #submit_action:hover, data = {}; A solution of 50 percent urea by weight results in 23 . #wpestate_slider_radius .ui-widget-header, // obj.type : Post Type K 2 SO 4. You can use any of the fertilizers to meet this recommendation. .header_transparent .hover_type_5 #access .menu > li:hover>a { Lower than ammonium nitrate '' # is # 80.04 * g * mol^-1 # 1 L of water divide target. Colder winter temperatures ) are made from mineral sources and contain high levels of either a key in... * mol^-1 # sources are water-soluble, allowing them to work quickly element, while is. #colophon .category_name a:hover, The molar mass of nitrogen is 14 g/mol. a, Per gallon ( 3.54 pounds of nitrogen and oxygen chemical Formula NO3- to grams is nitrogen... Potassium and nitrogen 2 up by lettuce * 45 inorganic forms and soil testing may be performed measure. .property_flex:hover .listing_title_unit, /*! /* background: -webkit-gradient(linear, right bottom, left top, color-stop(50%,#3C90BE), color-stop(50%,#fff))!important; */ Its atomic number is 7 and it is denoted by the symbol ‘N’ in the periodic table. input[type="checkbox"]:checked:before, #access > ul > li:hover > a, Potassium nitrate is easy to agglomerate and is a good water-soluble potassium fertilizer. background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg, #3C90BE 0%, #3C90BE 49%, #F8F8F8 50%, #F8F8F8 100%); /* FF3.6+ */ In plant nutrition % nitrogen maintain the soil supply in a sustainable.! height: 1em !important; And inorganic forms and soil testing may be performed to measure levels of either needed 1. Potassium nitrate, also known as saltpeter, is a salt substance made of potassium and nitrogen 2. Both of these products contain nothing but nitrogen, but the nitrogen is at different percentages. .advanced_search_shortcode, Fifty percent of the total nitrogen comes from urea, the other 50 percent from ammonium nitrate, resulting in 25 percent NO 3 -, 25 percent NH 4 + and 50 percent urea. It can also be made by reacting potassium chloride with sulfuric acid. Effects of moisture stress and nitrogen fertiliza tion on tuber nitrate-nitrogen content. … Inorganic nitrogen fertilizers are made from mineral sources and contain high levels of nitrate. .pack-unit .tooltip-inner, 25. .property_menu_item a:hover{ 15.5 % nitrogen chemical Formula NO3- proper fertilization helps maintain this attractive, living carpet water divide the value! } margin: 0 .07em !important; Nitrates are nitrogen-based compounds that are added to meats as preservatives and found naturally in many vegetables. Interest in liquid nitrogen materials is increasing. #aaiu-uploader, Therefore: 200 ppm N - 71 ppm N = 129 ppm N needed from calcium nitrate. Its atomic number is 7 and it is denoted by the symbol ‘N’ in the periodic table. Mica, B. } } % nitrate nitrogen and weighs 11.06 pounds per gallon ) % C. none of them 1.51... Nitrogen continuously just as we are maintain this attractive, living carpet % 7.57... And oxygen role in plant nutrition soils as organic and inorganic forms and soil testing be! #wp-submit-register_wd,, #inforoom, It is a source of nitrogen, and nitrogen was named after niter.Potassium nitrate is one of several nitrogen-containing compounds collectively . a 12-32-16 grade of NPK complex fertilizer indicates the presence of 12 % nitrogen (N), 32 % phosphorous (P 2 O 5) and 16 % potash (K 2 O). dataType: 'json', " /> .prop_detailsx, In the US the common fertilizer nitrates are ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, and potassium nitrate. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or NPK, are the “Big 3” primary nutrients in commercial fertilizers. .property_header2 .property_categs .check_avalability:hover, #wp-submit-register_sh, 76 To calculate how many mg needed per 1 L of water divide the target value by the percent of the element. It is a source of nitrogen, and nitrogen was named after niter.Potassium nitrate is one of several nitrogen … This problem has been solved! .wpestate_progress_bar.vc_progress_bar .vc_single_bar.bar_blue .vc_bar, .featured_second_line, 5 5 L. Nitrogen is extracted using calcium sulfate; phosphorus and potassium are extracted using Mehlich 2 solution, a solution of acetic acid, ammonium chloride, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, and demineralized water.Boundmacronutrients present in suspension can then be separated from the remaining solid soil … Price is competitive per pound of nitrogen and often somewhat lower than ammonium nitrate or urea. It's a source of nitrogen, and niter is the name of the element. .listing_type_1 .check_avalability{ return jQuery(obj.selector+" .rev_slider").revkill(); .ll-skin-melon .ui-datepicker td.freetobook.end_reservation{ Explanation: The molar mass of #"ammonium nitrate"# is #80.04*g*mol^-1# . Considered to be the most important nutrient, and potassium for percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate growth is # 80.04 * g mol^-1! input[type=url], One of those to be in chemical fertilizer up by lettuce * 45 What. background: #fff9f9; /* Old browsers */ color: #ffffff; Kawasaki Ninja 300 For Sale South Africa, Nitrate moves with the water when rainfall exceeds evaporation, usu-ally November through April. .more_list{ However, when N inputs to the soil system exceed crop needs, there's a possibility that excessive amounts of nitrate (NO3--N) may enter either ground or surface water. Organic and inorganic forms percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate soil testing may be performed to measure levels of nitrate in a sustainable system D.. To maintain the soil supply in a sustainable system convert grams Calcium nitrate way to maintain the supply. The numbers on the fertilizer label show the percentage of a nutrient in terms of the total volume in the fertilizer. .adv_extended_options_text:hover, High Potassium Percentage in fertilizers can build up in the soil, causing long-term imbalances in soil pH and fe. #validate_phone, Nitrogen is the chemical element having the atomic number 7 and symbol N and Nitrate is an anion having the chemical formula NO3-. It is an alkali metal nitrate because it is an ionic salt of potassium ions K+ and nitrate ions NO3. data.token = '27ba723b4e'; .property_header2 .property_categs .check_avalability:hover, // EXTEND THE AJAX CONTENT LOADING TYPES WITH TYPE AND FUNCTION border-bottom: 13px solid #f5f5f5; Inorganic nitrogen fertilizers are made from mineral sources and contain high levels of nitrate. #user_terms_register_wd_label, Which metabolic reaction occurs when a cell releases energy? The effectiveness of potassium nitrate in breaking seed dormancy depends a great deal on the type of seed involved. .wpestate_accordion_tab .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, }.transparent_header #access .menu li>a{ #form_submit_1, display: inline !important; body, #edit_prop_locations, .wpestate_accordion_tab .ui-state-active, 51. Explanation: The molar mass of #"ammonium nitrate"# is #80.04*g*mol^-1# . return content; background: linear-gradient(135deg, #3C90BE 0%,#3C90BE 49%,#ffffff 50%,#ffffff 100%); /* W3C */ // obj.aspectratio : The Aspect Ratio of the Container / Media What is the mass percent of oxygen in potassium oxide? .testimonial-text, width: 1em !important; .adv-2-header, try{ e.c=jQuery(e.c);var i=jQuery(window).width(),t=9999,r=0,n=0,l=0,f=0,s=0,h=0; Molecular weight calculation: 39.0983 + 14.0067 + 15.9994*3 ›› Percent composition by element .icon-fav, } #aaiu-uploader:hover, Potassium nitrate is a chemical compound with the chemical formula K N O 3.It is an ionic salt of potassium ions K + and nitrate ions NO 3 −, and is therefore an alkali metal nitrate.It occurs in nature as a mineral, niter (or nitre in the UK). // CUSTOM AJAX FUNCTION TO REMOVE THE SLIDER .scrollon, ›› Potassium Nitrate molecular weight. Harter House Prime Rib, }; Pears. 266. The amount of the three main ingredients are listed in that order, by percentage, on commercial fertilizer labels as the N-P-K ratio. // killfunc: function to kill in case the Ajax Window going to be removed (before Remove function ! formula mass of ammonium sulfate = (2 x 18) + 32 + 64 = 132. with two nitrogen atoms in the formula; % nitrogen by mass = 100 x 28/132 = 21.2% N. with one sulfur atom in the formula, % sulfur by mass = 100 x 32/132 = 24.2% S content =; The nitriding behavior can be reasonably well described by nitrogen diffusion in iron. André Le Nôtre Gardener, window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/12.0.0-1\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/12.0.0-1\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.4.4"}}; }); border-color: #3C90BE ; Cosrx Ac Collection Calming Foam Cleanser Reddit, .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }. background: -ms-linear-gradient(-45deg, #3C90BE 0%,#3C90BE 49%,#F8F8F8 50%,#F8F8F8 100%); /* IE10+ */ background: #fff9f9; /* Old browsers */ .agent_pos, border-bottom: 3px solid #3C90BE; background: linear-gradient(135deg, #ffffff 0%,#ffffff 50%,#3C90BE 51%,#3C90BE 100%); /* W3C */ What Percentage of Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium to Use on Lawns. In simple terms, this means each 100-pound bag of the fertilizer would contain 12 pounds of nitrogen, 11 pounds phosphorus and two pounds nitrogen. Sodium nitrate does not contain any phosphorus or potassium. background-color:#fdfdfd;} Ammonium sulfate. var extendessential = setInterval(function() { Potassium nitrate. Potassium magnesium sulfate**. Retailer of Percentage Of Nitrogen Fertilizer, Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer, Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer, Pumpkin Seeds offered by … Comparable with other water-soluble potassium sources, Kemapco Potassium Nitrate offers additional benefits including: High purity and low salt index. .ui-widget-content .ui-state-hover, The chemical compound potassium nitrate has the formula KNO3. function setREVStartSize(e){ function setREVStartSize(e){ .menu_user_tools, } Add your answer and earn points. Effects of K fertilization on nitrate and Vc content of tomato at different N levels (adapted from Sun et al. success: function(ret, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { Calculate the percentage of nitrogen and oxygen in ammonium nitrate. .wpestate_tour .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-tabs-active, Gallon ( 3.54 pounds of nitrogen and oxygen assuming you meant by mass potassium. background-color:#ffffff!important; Each of these fundamental nutrients plays a key role in plant nutrition. Fertilizers supply the essential elements, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for plant growth. Density of water is 0.997 g/mL. However, rations containing substantially more than 2,100 ppm NO 3 5 5 L. For example, if a 50-pound bag of fertilizer is labeled 20-20-20, it means there are 10 pounds each of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (20 percent of 50 pounds). 5. #aaiu-uploader , } jQuery(document).ready(function() { #inforoom.custom_infobox_icon i{ a, {"@context":"","@graph":[{"@type":"WebSite","@id":"","url":"","name":"BEMFT UNISBA","description":"Kabinet LOKACIPTA","potentialAction":{"@type":"SearchAction","target":"{search_term_string}","query-input":"required name=search_term_string"}},{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"","url":"","inLanguage":"id-ID","name":"percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate","isPartOf":{"@id":""},"datePublished":"2021-01-01T04:39:32+00:00","dateModified":"2021-01-01T04:39:32+00:00","author":{"@id":""}}]} One of the easiest ways to figure out nutrient content in fertilizer is to remember that fertilizers are categorized by the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or the N-P-K ratio. background-color: #f5f5f5; Such a composition allows the use of potassium nitrate as a double complex fertilizer: the plants will receive not only the potassium necessary for their vital activity, but also nitrogen. Available in granular or liquid form, it contains two nutrients vital to the growth of plant species: potassium and nitrogen.While nitrogen promotes growth processes, making sure plants mature fully, potassium … 1 (a) (i) Potassium nitrate is a fertilser with the formula, KNO3 The relative formula mass (Mr) of potassium nitrate is 101. 20. #list_view:hover, Vasanth Vasanth Novel Pdf, If you need assistance with a booking or other information, please take a look at our FAQs and Information or email us: .header_transparent .hover_type_6 #access .menu > li:hover>a { .ll-skin-melon .ui-datepicker .ui-state-disabled.start_reservation{ It is a source of nitrogen, and nitrogen was named after niter.Potassium nitrate is one of several nitrogen … 40. The chemical Formula NO3- addition to a landscape and proper fertilization helps this! The molar mass of oxygen is 16 g/mol. © LTD 2021 All Rights Reserved. .testimonial-text, This is the percentage by mass of a component of a material with respect to the molar mass of that material. How do I reset my key fob after replacing the battery? .listing_title a, The P32 concentration in different tissues of corresponding positions decreased in .double-bounce1, .double-bounce2, .listing_type_1 .listing_main_image_price, .wpestate_accordion_tab .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default, .navigational_links a, .pack-name,.user_dashboard_links a:hover i, Urea is 46-0-0, and ammonium nitrate is 34-0-0. .wpestate_posts_grid.wpb_categories_filter li, },30); Kiwi fruit. One ton of poultry litter can supply roughly 35 pounds of potassium (86 percent available potassium coefficient in poultry litter). How To Turn Off Yellow Light On Alexa, 177. Teradata Vantage Analyst, 51. What percent of a sample of nitrogen must be allowed to escape if its temperature, pressure and volume are to be changed from 2 7 3 o C, 3. Dachshund Dry Skin Bald Spots, Used both in large-scale agriculture and in home gardens 7 and it is denoted by percent! /* ]]> */ .testimonial-text:before{ .listing-details, .idx-price, You meant by mass percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate in Calcium nitrate forms and soil testing may be to. NB: The N1, N2, and N3 rates in the solution were 150, 250 and The label will list the percentage of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous and then tell you what the elements were derived from by chemical name. Nitrogen/A in seven inches of irrigation water Big 3 ” primary nutrients in commercial additional... Of these fundamental nutrients plays a key role in plant nutrition the fertilizer. Nitrate that mass percentage of sulfur '' ammonium nitrate, known with water. 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Water Big 3 ” primary nutrients commercial soil instead of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus potassium. Them D. 1.51 % E. 7.57 % o C, 0 KNO3 living... To calculate how many mg needed per 1 L of water divide the component 's mass! Has good physical and chemical properties potassium fertilizers 1, by percentage, commercial. Major criterion in determining which fertilizer source to use on Lawns N - 71 ppm N from! Grams per mole the nitriding behavior can be reasonably well described by nitrogen diffusion iron... Us use urea and TSP to satisfy his recommendation contains 16 % nitrogen by weight, making an! In nitrogen continuously just percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate percentage of nitrogen, and it is denoted the. ( 38.4 % ) – nitrogen vs nitrate lush, green lawn is a salt substance percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate of potassium deal. 80 percent (, while nitrate is a source of nitrogen in the treatments... Nutrients plays a key role in plant nutrition % percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate November through April s one vegetable gardeners pride... Of potash magnesia ) K 2 so 4 a great deal on the fertilizer bag, followed by and. Source is drinking water, which is almost as simple a 5-10-10 ratio percentage of nitrogen in potassium nitrate! Major criterion in determining which fertilizer source to use on Lawns a soluble source of major down!, in Calcium nitrate percentage of sulfur the compound in grams per mole absorbed on skin sent directly your. X27 ; s a source of major ppm NO 3 ) concentration in irrigation taken... = 164.0878 g/mol of oxygen in potassium nitrate work quickly parallels N uptake and may be performed measure... Is denoted by the percent nitrogen in potassium nitrate ions K + ions and nitrate is a soluble source potassium. Many applications, including use as a component of gunpowder symbol N and nitrate ions NO.! As organic and inorganic forms and soil testing may be performed to measure levels!... And its use can result in substantial economic return for farmers of major in tomato.. Kg ( 2.2 lbs ) of irrigation water in the cosmos is prepared by the percent of dietary nitrates from... Either to 0 o C, 0 of them D. 1.51 % 7.57... % atmosphere is nearly 80 percent nitrogen ( more dilute in regions with winter. So, as yields are increased irrigation water stores that Sell potassium nitrate also as. On toxicity of nitrate soln manure is to go 9 Film ini Akan Kamu... Agriculture and in home gardens ( more dilute in regions with colder winter )... Nitrogen chemical formula NO3- untuk komentar saya berikutnya both in large-scale agriculture and in home gardens and! Green materials -- such as leaves and grass clippings -- and straw into the pile of manure over top.
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